Beginners 1to1 Photography Coaching

Do you have a camera sitting at home collecting dust? It's there, just waiting for you to use it, but in all honesty you're just a bit flummoxed by all the options... You'd love to capture more photographs of your family or friends, but every time you get the camera out, you either freeze as you're not really sure what to do, or panic shoot and get demotivated when you see the results.

It can be SO frustrating in the beginning, but everyone always starts in that same slightly scary place! Honestly, the basics of photography are really super simple to get your head around, if you have someone there to hold your hand (metaphorically speaking!) and guide you through learning those initial building blocks.

So dust off your camera, and open yourself up to learning a whole new skill. Photography provides you with the valuable gift of capturing memories. Whether it be important life events, or your children growing up, it's a hobby well worth investing in!


Who is the coaching suitable for?

My 1to1 coaching sessions are aimed at either total beginners, or people who are keen to take their cameras off auto and start learning how to confidently use more of the functions at their finger tips.

What can we cover in the 1to1?

The format of the session is tailored to you, but as a general rule we will cover the following -
+ Your camera and how it works
+ How to expose your image correctly by exploring aperture, ISO and shutter speed.
+ Focus
+ White balance
+ Light and how to use it

Do we practice during the session?

Yes, absolutely. There's no better way to cement your learnings than hands on practice. This way you can answer questions you have specifically on your camera as and when they arise.

Where does the coaching take place?

During covid, our session can take place out and about. We can chose a location convenient to you where we can head out and explore the great outdoors.

How much does the coaching cost?

I have three options so you can see what suits your needs best.

Flat fee of £70/hr. This can be used to make up any length of session you’d like, depending on how much tuition you feel you would benefit from.

For this session, we set aside two hours to nail the basics. We’ll look at the functions of your camera, and make sure you have a good understanding of how you would like to shoot, so you can go and practice confidently! After the initial two hour session, you can spend some time practicing at home with family, friends, street photography (or whatever else you’d like to shoot), and then send back to me a selection of 5 digital images (shots you’re proud of, or maybe shots you found a real struggle). I then offer some video feedback and advice on what you’ve captured.
The price for this session is £160

Identical to package two, the difference here is that we add on further one hour coaching session after your video feedback on your shots. This gives you the opportunity to pull together and have answered any niggling questions that have come up whilst you were practicing, or any further questions you may have on the images you took.
The price for this session is £210

My sessions are tailored to where you are in your learning journey, and we progress at a rate that works for you and your level of understanding. We have a call in advance of the session to work out where you're at and what you're wanting to learn to make sure you get the most value from the session.

Lastly, I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY....felt like it needed saying, but I really want to help you get better at this as I know the happiness it can bring to you when you really nail a shot, or have some wonderful memories to look back on. It's a brilliant way of expressing yourself and having some fun with something a bit more creative, and I think we could all do with a bit of that in our lives! So if you'd like to have more of a chat about it, or understand a little more about whether it's right for you, just 'say hello' below!