
I honestly believe we hold the key to our children's memories (sounds profound right!?) but it's up to us as parents to leave them lasting memories that they can look back on in years to come.

For this reason I really love to capture those special early days and years with mums, dads, grandparents and siblings. I now know from experience, how lovely it is to look back and remember the times when they were so little. My eldest is now old enough to be fascinated by how small she once was. I, however, am entertained by how rested and fresh faced I looked, so in conclusion, it’s nice to remember those early days…!

I love nothing more than a cheeky smile, and documenting kids being kids (however much mischief they might be getting in to).. I also know as my family's photographer, that aside from the odd selfie, I can count on one hand the number of photos we have with all 4 of us in, and speaking personally, I want to be in the shot when my children look back. So my aim is always to leave you with some beautiful photos with you all in the frame. 

Wondering what iT's like to work with me? .....

Kind words...

The Reucroft Family

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"Claire made the shoot really fun and relaxed - it was like having a friend over for a cup of tea and half the time we forgot the camera was there. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Claire and will definitely be using her again when we next want some family photos taken!"

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