Hello!....I'm Claire

So a bit more about me...Firstly I live in Surbiton, South West London, with my two amazing (and 'spirited') girls ;-) and my patient and outnumbered husband! We have a fluff ball Cavapoo called Tilly who keeps me company whilst I edit in the days. I have always loved taking photographs, from travelling the world and capturing images of the beautiful places we visited, to later on capturing the memories of our two girls starting to grow up. I really believe photographs hold such a special place in our lives, and it's not until a phase of life passes that we realise how precious they are.

I consider myself to have THE best job. I get to hang out with lovely families, make cheeky kids giggle, and chat to inspiring business owners, there's nothing not to like...

Random facts..

So here are a few random facts about myself.. .

  • I am a total home bod. I love my little nest and everyone and everything that’s in it.
  • I’m an only child and a Leo....that aside, I’m actually very good at sharing and ‘relatively’ mild mannered…
  • I think I'm a tidy person trapped inside a messy persons body. I really try, but my house is always in a state of chaos..
  • I’m addicted to Tea and definitely don’t think I could go 24hrs without any…I mean this very seriously.
  • Before becoming a mum, I travelled a lot, and have been lucky enough to visit some pretty awesome places.
  • Most petrifying memory, white water rafting on the Zambezi river.
  • Most awesome memory, hang gliding off a mountain in Brazil.
  • I did Latin American and Ballroom dancing from 4-19yrs old. Strictly did not exist at the time, and therefore it was not cool.
  • I once interviewed for a job where I had to pretend to be a kitchen appliance… I chose to be a whisk …
  • My happy place is by the sea. I love watching waves roll in, and dream to have a studio overlooking the beach down in Cornwall where I could sit and paint, only slight sticking point is that I can’t paint. . .

If all of this doesn't put you off, I'd love to hear from you, so please drop me a line!

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